Help us grow.

Yuramin is a community-powered, in(ter)dependent podcast driven by the direct support of our listeners and readers.
If you like our work, here are some ways you can contribute to it.

How would

you like to support us?


PayPal Donation

Make a one-time donation using your Paypal account.

Bank Transfer

Use your bank account to make your donation.

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Become a Patreon

Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid.


Supporting Partner

We are grateful to those who want to become our partner or sponsor.
Yuramin believes in strengthening our ability to create communities and networks that support one another to make a change.
We are always looking forward to link our roots to other projects that want to collaborate. Please contact us to


Story Suggestions

If you want to share your story or want to suggest inspiring guests for our podcat you can submit directly to

Music Submissions

We occasionally collaborate with musicians to integrate segments of songs on our podcast. Submit your music to

* Please note that contributions through the following three methods
are not tax-deductible.

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